Shed video
Thanks to Richard for making this video showing some of what’s going on.
We have been very lucky to receive donations of tools and equipment from many local people. It means we are well set up for most of what we need in our workshop, when the Covid restrictions allow us to use the shed again. Thanks to everyone for their support.
We would expect to be welcoming members to meet, chat, drink tea and use the workshop if they want to, but Covid restrictions are stopping that of course. The problem is that the running costs are still there, but we have no subs coming in to pay the bills.
We have received some grants for jobs like mending the roof and fixing the heating, which were very welcome and useful, but this so-called restricted funding (we are restricted as to what we spend the money on) is not for general running costs. We have bills to pay for gas, electricity, water, rates ground rent and so on. Members’ subs will cover this when all is normal, but at the moment we need to find a way to cover this.
To help out we are asking people if they can spare us some money to help keep things going. We have created a Just Giving page where people can give some money. If you can help please check the link below.
Thank you.
Next Online meeting
Our next online meeting will be at 2:00pm on Wednesday 10th February. This is a Covid-safe way of chatting to a few folks for a while from the comfort of your own home. You have to supply your own tea though. If you want to join us to find out more about Men in Sheds Haltemprice or for a chat, use the contact page and we will send you details of how to join in.
See you soon.
Getting organised
The work to sort through the great tools that lots of generous local people have given us is still underway. Steve has laid out boxes to group the hand tools together. It is an impressive stock and there’s still more to go.
Site plans
Steve has created these site plans with different features shown on each plan. The files are A3 size. They are posted as pdf files so anyone can view them, Steve has the original editable drawing files.
Grounds & Building (20/11/20) plan
Electrical (20/11/20) plan
Fire (20/11/20) plan
Mechanical (20/11/20) plan
No features (20/11/20) plan
We can meet online
The lockdown is preventing us meeting up in person but we can meet online.
We are planning to hold meetings with Zoom. If you have a laptop, tablet or smartphone (iPhone or Android) you could join in. We are planning to hold some meetings on November 3rd, 4th and 9th December.
You might want to meet but don’t know anything about Zoom – don’t worry, we can help. Zoom works well and is pretty easy to use.
if you want to join in, drop us an email on
We want to tell you what’s going on, share some of our ideas and we especially want to hear your ideas and what you want to get involved with. You might just feel like a chat. Let’s try this and see what happens.
Mish and Mash in their Shed
The Anlaby Hull fair Scarecrow Hunt has attracted a huge amount of interest with about 360 locations around Anlaby and surrounding villages.

Here’s the gang putting up our scarecrows Mish and Mash with their Shed to support our theme of Tools, Tinkering Talk and Tea.

Big thanks to Gill and Steve for their work putting this together.
You can see Mish and Mash outside the Anlaby Clinic on First Lane in Anlaby

There’s more information about the rest of the scarecrows at the Scarecrow Hunt’s Facebook page